Vanuatu diary




事務所に行ったら、North Efateは水不足らしく、タンクにどのくらい水が残っているのか学校から電話で情報を得ていると言っていました。海水を水に変える機械があるらしいです。本当かな??驚きました。



毎週月曜日に行っているKawenu schoolでの指導はやりがいを感じています。もちろんどこでもやりがいはあるのですが、私の授業を次に先生が生かしてくれているというのを知ることができました。先生が自身の指導でも私が作った教材や教具を利用してくれているのが本当にうれしかったです。1年生の先生が、写真で授業の様子を見せてくれました。これからもたくさん話をしながら、子供たちが楽しい、わかるという授業を先生たちと一緒に作っていけるといいなと思います。私は、写真や動画で授業を記録しているのですが、彼女も写真を撮っているそうです。私は、日本にいたころ、撮った写真を保護者会でお家の方に見てもらっていました。この先生もそのように使うと言っていました。思わぬ共通点があり、さらに共感しました。













I went to the office. A staff told me that he called some schools to get information because of water shortage in North Efate. I heard that there is the machine turns sea water into fresh water.

Is it true? I wonder. I was surprised.

By the way, I previously wrote on this blog that I told my thought to the teacher. Then, I made a good relationship with the teacher. It was good to tell her my opinion

I find teaching rewarding in Kawenu school which I go every Monday. Although I felt rewarding everywhere, I knew that teacher made use of my teaching next class. I was glad that she used something that I made teaching materials to her own teaching. First grade teacher showed me some phots of the class activity.

I want to make class that children enjoy and understand through many conversation. I usually record phots and videos of classes, and she also takes phots.

When I worked in Japan, I showed photos parents of children in parents’ association meeting. She also use them like that. Unexpected thing she and I have in common was felt me sympathy.

First grade’s class of this day, they reviewed consist of 10 and addition. Everyone could finish to solve within the allotted time.

I said, “You are wonderful first grade students”.

“Everyone could finish to solve, so let’s take photo with a smile”.

This one photo. All of teacher and children are smile


I will make plane that 1,2 grade take small exam next week. I told teachers prepared list of class. My job of this week is making exam.


After I went back to the office, I gave my boss activity report, then he told “Tafu tumas.”

I will show office staffs my photo or video because they cannot look my class.


This is “frog song” of Bislama version. We tried to sing in a round. Everyone is a good singer. Ni-Vanuatu are good singers. I was overwhelmed by their song in church. When children try to solve arithmetic problems, they sing to themselves unconsciously.

