Vanuatu diary


Teacher’s college (VITE)












group work


ちなみに、この授業はフランス語です。また、ここでもフランス語に出会いました 笑。



授業をされた先生とも授業後にお話しができました。また、見に来てもよいですかと聞いたら、いいよと言ってくださったので、また来てみたいと思います。この先生は、現場の先生たちが使うTeacher’s guideの作成にも携わっています。来年度は2年生のguideができるので、今は、内容を確認しているそうです。作成の裏話も聞けて面白かったです。このようなバヌアツの教育に直接関わっている方と出会うことができて、お話ができたのは本当によかったです。この縁は大切にしたいと思います。




I could talk to the teacher after class who lectured. I asked her to come here again, and she told me O.K. So I will come there again. She is engaged in making teacher’s guide which teachers use. She checks manuscripts because of 2nd grade teacher’s guide in next year. It is very good for me to meet and talk to her who immediately concerned with education in Vanuatu I was interested in the inside story of making. I think this encounter is for me.


I visited the freshman class of the teacher’s college on Friday. I asked a senior volunteer that I visited to the teacher’s college in advance. After trainees graduate from this school, they will become teachers of primary or secondary school. Course content of this day is the time.


For example, it is such a problem.

We left the airport at 8:35. We arrived to Santo (the name of the island) at 9:20.

How much time it took.

In 60 minutes class, the teacher made 4 quizzes related to time. The teacher made quizzes and each group answered quizzes. Then, representatives of the group explained how to solve. I thought that this course form was good. Because it can solve a problem through sharing the idea of each other.


By the way, this class is French. I also met French language here :)

I couldn’t understand that quiz although I read it, so I asked trainees to translate French into Bislama. After they translated, I could understand content of quiz and advise them how to solve it. As regards quiz about time, calculation by writing is taught in Vanuatu. Before, I looked the black board like this which a primary school teacher wrote. I noticed that Japanese math teaching was different from it, so I got a fresh impression. I was convinced by teacher’s college lecture that the educational setting in Vanuatu has used calculation by writing.