Vanuatu diary







校長先生にも挨拶をと思い、校長室に行くと、子供が校長先生に叱られていました。日本でもバヌアツでも子供は変わらないですね。校長先生は、「暑いから、Pikinini i hot tumas(子供も熱くなっちゃうね。)」なんて冗談を言っていました。この学校の校長先生は素敵な方です。「明日授業見に来ます。」と伝えると日本語で、「最高。」と返してくださいました。




木曜日に行っているseaside community schoolは選挙のため、授業がありません。15日は選挙です。でも、先生が、土曜日にOhlenに新しい教会の完成セレモニーがあるから一緒にいかないかと誘ってくださいました。クラスの子供のお父さんが建設に携わっていたそうです。こういう誘いは基本的に断らないようにしています。せっかく新しいことを知れるチャンスです。バヌアツへ来てフットワークは軽くなったような気がします 笑。



Children of acquaintances has increased. When I walk in town, some children often call me, “sayuri!!” I am happy. However, I go to 3 schools only each once a week, so I cannot remember name of children. I have to remember them.


There were many things from the last update. I am glad that my activity have been able to continue. However, there is the fact that there often would be no class. Friday of last week there is a trial on bribery case of incumbent ministers, it was possible that there was likely to be in turmoil, many schools of the town were closed. Office was also the end in the morning. This day I had promised to go to a third-grade class of the French-based elementary school, but I have become seen not. Today, I went to see the teacher again to school, we made an appointment to go to see tomorrow’s class.


I wanted to say hello to the principal, therefore I went to his room, and children was scaled by the principal. I think children are same both Japan and Vanuatu. The principal said, “It is hot, so children also are hot.” It is his kidding. He is a nice principal. I said, “I will come here tomorrow.” Then He replayed, “ nambawan” in Japanese.


I cannot make plan, but I start to enjoy the situation. If I don’t take action, activity is noting. If I take action, activity is spread.  


Seaside community school that I go on Thursday, because of the election, there is no class. 15th is election. But, a teacher invite me whether we go to completion ceremony of the new church to Ohlen on Saturday together. A child’s father of this class had been involved in the construction. I have been not to refuse such invitation basically. It is a good chance to know new things. After I came to Vanuatu, I feel like my footwork was lightly


This picture is children who called me when I walked near my house last Sunday. I teach consist of 10 using jyanken, so they said, “jyankenpon!”