SHEMATA 5th meeting
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今回のミーティングは分数を扱いました。Seaside Communityの6年生の先生がプレゼンをしました。もともとこの先生から分数をどのように教えたらよいか知りたいから教えに来てくれないかということがきっかけでした。せっかくなので、先生にプレゼンをしてくれるようにお願いしたのです。このクラスでは10回ほど授業を行いました。その授業の内容を紹介しました。
前回、ペイデーで少なかった出席者でしたが、今回は前回よりも増えました。しかし、本音を言うともっともっと来てほしいです 笑。そして、私の配属先であるシェファ州教育事務所のトップ(PEO)も今回は、話に来てくれました。この日もいろいろな仕事があるようで忙しそうでしたが、時間を作って来てくれました。熱意が伝わったようで、本当にうれしかったです。
I held the SHEMATA 5th meeting last Friday. This day, the number of attendance were bigger than last time. I remind strongly this time by calling every school after I send the information letter. PEO of SHEFA education office joined the meeting and he told the current status of education in Vanuatu. He suggested the result of PILNA test 2015 (Pacific Island Literacy Numeracy Assessment). PEO said we must raise the level of mathematic. The SHEMATA meeting is good chance to know the teaching method.
At the 5th meeting, we learned about how to teach “Fraction”. I supported class 6 at Seaside community school about 10 times. I suggested the teacher to make presentation about our activity. It is important for children to use concrete objects. Or they experience game of fraction. They will help children to understand Fraction. They learned mix number fraction. In fact, it is not common to learn mix number in Vanuatu. But I think that the sense of “1” of Fraction is very important to understand Fraction. That is why, I taught mix number for children.
I usually show some photos and videos because lesson observation is not common in Vanuatu. These photos and videos will help teachers to understand how to make lesson.
Then I set time to solve some fraction problems for teachers to understand them deeply.
Teachers enjoyed joining the workshop. Next meeting will be on the 5th August. The topic is “Area”. Please join us!!